SC ERP is a web-based business process management system. Managers of businesses and organizations that implement it can achieve the following goals:

  • Provide access to company information to all employees controlled by their position.
  • Easily and comfortably support all organization-relevant registers: companies, individuals, locations, products, accounting nomenclatures and accounts, retail outlets, warehouses, cash registers, bank accounts, etc. in a software system.
  • Concentrate incoming, outgoing and internal documents (emails, faxes, letters, procedures, invoices, contracts, declarations, laboratory tests, and more) in one place accessible by authorized personnel.
  • Responsible employees to create sales, invoices, contracts, commodity, production and money documents that automatically generate the relevant records in the books.
  • Real-time monitoring of the company’s financial position and material assets, liabilities to suppliers and customer receivables.
  • Put tasks and monitor their progress.